Congratulations on Becoming a Mother Messages

You are going to be an amazing mom. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Welcome to the world, little one! Sending you both my warmest wishes and congratulations.

You're going to be an amazing mom/dad. I can't wait to meet your little one. Congratulations!

I'm so happy for you! You have always been a wonderful friend, and I know you'll be a wonderful mother, too. Best wishes!

Wishing you and the little one all the best as you embark on this beautiful journey. Congratulations!

Congratulations and best wishes for the future with your bundle of joy! Your little one is so lucky!

My heart is so full of happiness for you and your new bundle of joy! Congratulations on becoming a mom!

Wishing you all the joy and happiness that comes with motherhood. Congratulations!

Welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood; you're going to be great! I'm so happy for you!

Congratulations and all the best as you embark on this new journey of motherhood. You'll be great!

I hope you enjoy this next phase of your life; I know you'll be amazing at it. Congratulations!

I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations and all the best as you head into this wonderful new chapter in your life.

How exciting! I wish you and your little one nothing but the best as you settle into this new rhythm together. Congratulations!

I am so happy for you! Wishing you all the best in this exciting new chapter of your life. Congratulations on your little one!

I am so happy for you! You're an amazing friend, and I know you'll be an even better mom. Congratulations on your new baby!

You and the little one are always in my heart, and always in my prayers. Congratulations!

May you enjoy every moment you spend with the newest member of your beautiful family. Congratulations!

I was so glad to hear the big news! I know you'll be a wonderful mother. Congrats!

Congratulations, you're going to be a mom! Sending you love and wishes for a healthy pregnancy.

Congratulations on your beautiful new angel. I'm so happy for you and for your little one!

Congratulations on your beautiful little bundle of joy! You're going to be a wonderful mother.

Congratulations on your new arrival! Enjoy every moment, they grow up faster than you think!

Congratulations on becoming a mother! Know that we're always here for you, no matter what!

Our hearts are so full of love and happiness for you both. Congratulations!

The most wonderful thing in the world is becoming a parent. Congratulations on your new baby, and best wishes for the future!

I love the little guy/gal so much already! Congratulations on becoming a mom; you're going to be great!

Congratulations! Wishing you and the little one many beautiful and tender moments together.

Best wishes to you and to your beautiful little baby. Congratulations on becoming a mom!

I can't wait to meet your little guy/gal! Congratulations to both of you on this amazing news!

To the most amazing woman I know – congratulations on becoming a mother! You're going to be great, I know it!

Congratulations! It has been a true blessing to watch you grow into the wonderful young woman that you are today. I know you'll be a wonderful mother, too.

Sibling rivalry is a thing of the past – now it's all about which one of you spoils the new baby the most! Congratulations!