Get Well Wishes After Surgery

Good Luck Wishes for Surgery
- Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Good luck with your surgery, and get well soon.
- Don't worry, remember that you are in great hands! Can't wait to see you after, and wishing you a quick and easy recovery!
- Sending you my best wishes for a quick recovery. You'll be back on your feet in no time!
- Know that you're in good hands and try not to worry too much. I just know you'll be back up on your feet in no time, and I can't wait to be there to see you. Good luck!
- Wishing you all the best during your surgery, and a speedy recovery thereafter!
- I know you, and I know you'll be back on your feet in no time. Sending you my best wishes, thoughts, and prayers -- good luck!
- Know that we're all here thinking about you and praying for a quick and easy recovery. Best of luck, you're in good hands!
- You're in the hands of one of the finest teams in the country. Keep calm, be strong, and focus on getting back on your feet. Good luck!
- I'll be right here today, cheering you on and waiting to see you as soon as you get out!
- You got this! You're strong, and I'm sure recovery will be a breeze. Good luck with your surgery!
- Sending you my best wishes and hoping that you get well soon. Good luck with your surgery.
- Good luck with your surgery and get well soon!
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Funny Get Well Soon Wishes and Messages
- Please try not to think of it as a stay at the hospital. Think of it as a spa package that includes meals, regular health checks and jello cubes.
- Even superheroes need a rest sometimes. Focus on resting and regaining your strength, and you'll be back to your old self in no time.
- You're so great, that even the germs like you. Get well soon!
- Our whole team is holding their breath waiting for you to come back to work -- things just don't run as smoothly as they should when you're gone! Get well soon!
- Take your sweet time to rest, get your strength back, and get all better soon!
- You know, there are easier ways to get out of school. Get well soon!
- Sending you positive thoughts and healthy vibes for a fast recovery! Working without the best boss in the world hasn't been easy, but we're managing the best we can. Get well soon!
- I finally realized how much I need you when you're out of commission. Get better soon!
- I can't wait until you're back to your old self! Then we're really going to celebrate!
- I'm gonna need you to make a speedy recovery, I have no idea what I'm doing here! On a serious note -- wishing you a speedy recovery, you're in my thoughts.
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Get Well Soon Wishes for Friends
- Know that you are always in my thoughts and my prayers. I pray that you get well soon, and that this message brings a smile to your face.
- I may not have a medical degree, but I feel pretty confident that you're gonna make it. Get well soon!
- Sorry things are so rough right now, and hoping that changes soon. Get well soon!
- Sending our warmest wishes and thoughts for you to recover as quickly as possible.
- They may not be a cure, but I hope that these flowers can at least bring a smile to your face. Get well soon!
- Please hurry up and get a better soon. I can't keep being nice to you for much longer!
- The hospital may not be an all-inclusive resort, but with three meals a day, a state-of-the-art adjustable bed, and bedside service, it's not far off. Get well soon, buddy.
- Wishing you good health and a quick recovery! Get well soon!
- God bless you during your recovery. Get well soon!
- Germs, just like everybody else, find you irresistible! Get well soon!
- I miss you! Sending healing vibes in your direction. Get better soon!
- If you need me to come over and tell you that you don't even look sick, feel free to give me a call. Always here to help!
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Get Well Soon Wishes and Messages for Coworker
- Remember that every new day brings you closer to a complete recovery! Wishing you a quick recovery and hope you get well soon!
- You are much stronger than this, and I'm sure you'll be back to your awesome self in no time. Get better soon!
- Looking forward to catching up with you once you're back to you your old happy self. Feel better soon!
- Just like a basketball, you're going to bounce right back! Get well soon!
- Sending you my warmest well wishes. I hope you feel better soon!
- Hope you feel better and stronger each day. Get well soon!
- Sending you good wishes and get-well cheer.
- Wishing you more strength and health with each coming day. Get well soon!
- Sending you good, healthy vibes. Get well soon!
- Looking forward to seeing you back when you're ready. Feel better soon!
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