Graduation Wishes for Son

I know you worked hard for this, but I think Google, Wikipedia, and YouTube deserve an honorary mention too… Congratulations son!

Congrats on graduating! Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors, I know you can do anything you set your mind to, and now you know it too!

You did an incredible job, completing a degree is no small feat! We couldn't be more proud of you. Wishing you all the best for the future!

Congratulations on being a graduate! I know this is just the first of many great accomplishments to come!

I know this is a very proud moment for you. All the hard work and long nights of studying have finally paid off. Congratulations on graduating!

Congratulations on this amazing achievement! Now that you've graduated you can let your hair down and celebrate a little!

You made us all very proud today, and proved without a doubt that you can achieve anything you set your heart on. Congratulations!

That's it, you've done it -- ticked off all the boxes, attained all the goals set for you by others. Now, it's time to make a list of your own goals -- and go get them!

Wishing you all the best as you carve your own path through life. May your future be bright and full of opportunities -- congratulations!

You did it! This is the first step on a long journey to success and fulfillment, and I know you'll make the most of it. Congrats to the new grad!

We're so proud of you -- for your accomplishments, your achievements, but most of all, of the person you've become. Congratulations to the new grad!

This may mark the end of school, but I assure you that you'll continue learning every day. Keep an open heart and mind. Congratulations, we love you!

Congratulations on your momentous achievement! Wishing you all the success, happiness, and opportunities the world has to offer. We love you, and couldn't be more proud!

You amaze us every day with how smart, caring, and wonderful you've grown to be. We cannot wait to see the places you'll go! We believe in you, and love you always.

We’re so proud of your accomplishments and of the person that you've become. Congratulations on graduating!

School may be over, but you'll soon find out that you never really finish learning. Keep an open heart and open mind. Happy graduation, wishing you all the best for the future.

Congratulations on your successful graduation, I know how hard you worked for it. I'm proud of you, and can't wait to see what the future holds for you.

You've achieved an amazing milestone today. Lots of love and best wishes for you on this incredible day. Congratulations!

Congratulations to the new graduate! Today we celebrate not only your success, but also your strength of character and perseverance. We are so proud of you!

Wishing you all the best on your next adventure; you've certainly earned it! Happy graduation!

You dreamed big, worked hard, and now you've finally achieved your goal. Never stop dreaming, and never lose your ambitious spirit. I'm proud of you!

Congratulations on graduating! You've taken a major step closer to your goal, and are that much closer to reaping the fruits of your labor.

We're so happy for you and proud that you've achieved this great milestone. Wishing you all the best for the future!

Congratulations, my dearest son/daughter, on being a graduate. Wishing you all the best for the future -- we believe in you!

I always knew you could achieve anything you set your mind to, and now you know it too. All the best for the future -- happy graduation!

As the saying goes, shoot for the moon, 'cause even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Congrats, grad!

You've achieved a real milestone today! Congratulations, and wishing you many more successes in the future!

You made it! Now comes the fun part -- you get to live your life your way! Get out there and fulfill your dreams. Congratulations on your achievement!

We love you and we will always support you, and I couldn't be prouder to be your mom / dad / uncle / aunt.

Time really does fly! Our baby is a graduate, and we're so proud of you.

We always knew that you could do it. Congrats!

Congrats on meeting the bare minimum job requirements! Just kidding, I'm super proud of you!

Be proud of yourself. A lot of people never even start college, and a lot of people don't finish. You did it. Congrats!

Son, I closed my eyes for a moment, and suddenly there is a man where a boy used to be. You've given me so many reasons to be proud of the man you've become; my proudest achievement is getting to tell everyone that you're my son. I love you. Congratulations, on this remarkable achievement.

I'm so happy to watch you graduate and reach your goals, and hope that my encouragement and guidance has helped you over the years. Congratulations!

You're an achiever. You made all of us very proud; keep up the good work. Congratulations on your graduation.

You've studied hard and shown us how it's done. I'm so proud of you, Congratulations on your graduation.

Be proud of this moment – you deserve it for all the effort and dedication you put in. We're so proud of you. Congratulations!

Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventures! I'm so proud of you, good luck!

Congratulations to me for sitting through this long graduation ceremony. Just kidding, so proud of you!

Now that you're a graduate, use your freedom wisely. We're so proud of you. Congratulations.

I'm so proud of you and I'm truly honored to celebrate your graduation day with you. Congratulations!

We're so happy to be here to share the excitement of graduation with you. Congratulations!

The time has come to spread your wings and fly. Congratulations!

Be proud of your hard work! Congratulations on your graduation!

Be proud of your achievement! You did it! Congratulations!

Congratulations! You did it just like we knew you were going to do it! We're proud of you!

One college degree = two happy parents. Congratulation on your graduation!

Just remember that the process of learning never stops. Happy graduation, son / daughter / nephew / niece.

We are so proud of your achievements and the person you have become.

We're extremely proud of the person you have become.

You have made us so proud, we cannot wait to see what your future will bring. Congrats!

We're so proud of what you've achieved. Congrats to the new graduate!

It's been amazing to watch your journey and growth from a little boy / girl to the man / woman you are today. But remember, you're always going to be our little boy / girl in our hearts. Congrats!

Enjoy your accomplishments, my dear son / daughter / nephew / niece. You've come a very long way, and I'm so excited to watch you grow. Congratulations!

My dear son / daughter / nephew / niece, have made your mom / dad / aunt / uncle so proud. I would like to congratulate from the bottom of my heart on your graduation.

It was my dream to see you graduate, and you made it happen. To my dearest son / daughter / nephew / niece, I would like to congratulate you on your achievements and on all the opportunities that are sure to come.

Here's to the variety of new possibilities that have opened up to you, our son / daughter / nephew / niece. Enjoy your graduation day. We love you so much!

It's a wonderful feeling knowing that my son / daughter / nephew / niece has become a graduate. I'm so proud of you. Congrats!

Congratulations, my son / daughter / nephew / niece, on your graduation. As for your future, we 're sure you're going to make it a successful one.

We're always proud to call you our son / daughter / nephew / niece, but we're especially proud today. Congratulations on your graduation!

To my dearest son / daughter / nephew / niece, I cannot believe that you're all grown up. You've grown so much, and I know that you will always work hard to achieve your goals. Congratulations and best of luck!

Always remember that I believe in you! The sky is the limit. Spread your wings and soar high. Congratulations and best wishes.

Congratulations, son / daughter / nephew, on your graduation. We are so proud to see our little bundle of joy grow into such a strong, mature adult. Keep on making us proud. We love you, best of luck in your future.

We are so proud of your accomplishments and achievements. Congratulations on your graduation!

I remember how happy you were the day you got accepted into your dream school. Then the day we helped you move in, your first time on your own, the first time you came home to visit. We are so proud of you that you set out on your own and earned this major accomplishment all by yourself. We love you so much. Congratulations, my son / daughter / nephew / niece, on your graduation!